
Jul 20, 2014

CD Aufnahme in Frankreich

Here are a few sketches I did during a CD recording in Ambronay (France) with a french baroque group. We slept in an abbey hosting a cultural center and recorded in the church of the next village. I post here the sketches i did following the golden rules of urban sketching...:-)) On my blog, you'll find a comic-style extended version, with portraits made from photos that I took. I was very reluctant to draw from photos, but I had no choice, since I'm still faaar too slow to draw people live. However, it appeared to be a very nice and enjoyable exercise. My blog is here
P.S. : I lately didn't write much comments to your posts, but I really enjoy all your drawings. It's extremely motivating to see so much good stuff !

The cloister
The church in Jujurieux. It's actually empty and was converted in a concert hall.

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