
sketching the Bank for International Settlements

Bank for International Settlements- Basel, CH

Sketching in Basel is one of my favorite activities. Although I live across the border in Kandern, Germany, it's just a short drive into the heart of the city. As an American living in this region for the past 14 years, I gradually began feeling a desire to draw the European architecture around me, and it wasn't until about four years ago that I began filling sketchbooks with the scenes I saw around me. This particular sketch I did a while back, sitting on the grass, enjoying a beautiful day, with the Bank for International Settlements across the street.


  1. Great one Rob. Such a difficult building to draw...

  2. Would you allow me to reproduce this drawing in a book on business and Nazi Germany, in which the BIS is mentioned?
    Jacques Pauwels
    Brantford, Canada
