
That makes my day!

On Thursday I have been interviewed by journalist Peter Aeschlimann. In todays edition of Zürcher Tagesanzeiger you can read his article on page 28. It's about my work and about our growing community of Urban Sketchers, our manifesto and why digital innovations (web 2.0, blogging) could push ahead drawing as something analog.


  1. sehr schönes Projekt! Musste gleich mitmachen...

  2. Sass heute im Zug von Altstetten nach Zürich HB und hab zufällig einer Dame über die Schulter geguckt, die den Artikel gelesen hat. Hab nicht schlecht gestaunt als ich in der Kurzinfo unter dem Titel deinen Namen gelesen hab :)

    Sehr cool!

  3. Yes, I saw it this morning at breakfast! Very cool, Andre. Many congratulations! Maybe you will send this to the big Urban Sketchers Group?

  4. Wow, full page 'im Tagi'! Congratulations André! I'll try to find a copy to read the article. Nice selection of sketches...

  5. merci beaucoup! I have just added a scan of the article... And I have received feedbacks from drawers who didn't know urban sketchers so far and who would like to join the next sketch craw. – which is a positive side effect when not publishing online for a change... I will send it over to drawing attention ...

  6. That's great news. We had more than two thousand visitors during the weekend, which is an all-time record for the blog. Thanks for the scan.

  7. Congratulation! Well deserved!!

  8. Nice work. Way to get the word out about sketching.
