
hiking & sketching on Via Gottardo

Hiking from Göschenen until Bellinzona, a great summer experience. I also wanted to continue experimenting on large formats with acrylic pens on my hike. Not so easy just traveling with a backpack ;-)

First I even had the idea to mount a painting easel on my backpack. As in the old days. And a canvas frame, which I could cover with rolled up canvas on the way. Fortunately I decided on a lighter and more pragmatic version. I had a sketchbook A3 with me. I always painted and worked on the middle sheet. So I had A2 sketches that I could still put in my backpack. 

These xl-sketches will be hanging in the gallery at the Gluri Suter Huus in Wettingen from tomorrow until December 2. Together with works by Miroslav Sasek, Olivia Aloisi and Eva Eder.

Die Gemeinde Wettingen hat ein Herz für Urban Sketches :-) Der Kurator Rudolf Velhangen hat Eva, Oliva und mich eingeladen, im Gluri Suter Huus unsere Skizzen vom 26.8. bis am 2.1.2 auszustellen.

On the top auf dem Gotthard :-)

Via Tremola, bekannt aus Coverseiten von BMW etc.

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